Yungaburra Mens Shed
Where Mates Meet, Create and Thrive
Who we are
At Yungaburra Men’s Shed you can be involved in a range of activities among mates. We’re a non-profit, non-commercial community organisation providing a friendly meeting place for men to work on projects in the company of other men.
Our Shed was established in 2021 as an initiative of a small group who saw the opportunity of meeting a need in the community whilst making good use of the underutilised Yungaburra Memorial Hall. We now have a growing membership, restricted to men over the age of 18, but currently approximately sixty percent of the men aged over sixty five in the Yungaburra area enjoy being involved. Some come from other Tablelands towns, some come up regularly from Cairns.
We are incorporated and affiliated with the Australian and Queensland Chapters of the Men’s Shed Association, and are a registered Charity.

What we do
A major objective of all Men’s Sheds is to advance the health, well being and social inclusion of all members through interest-based activities. At YMS we do this by welcoming men to meet and work on projects that are first and foremost personally satisfying, and in many cases making an important contribution to the wider community. Importantly, the meeting component takes precedent over the working component and much of the time in the Shed is spent yarning with mates, getting to know each other better, being there to support or congratulate.
Our Shed is a place where you can learn or teach a variety of professional and trade skills, or just relax in the company of other like-minded men.
We’ve gathered a variety of tools and equipment in our workshop and there is opportunity for members to undertake personal, YMS or community-based projects. Members’ interests span an extensive range of activities. They include woodwork, wood turning, metal work, and we are always making objects for fundraising through raffles or sales.
Social Gatherings
We have a wonderful gathering space, separate from the workshop, where we get together weekly for socialising, art and sketching, computing, and general discussion. There’s a variety of activities available – a piano, pool table, darts board, a small library, chess and other board games. This is also our dining area, where we can cater for over 50 people.
Nutrition Programs
Currently there is an adequately equipped kitchen, great for tea or coffee, but more importantly it’s where we prepare meals as part of a general nutrition programme. Each month, members are invited to volunteer to cook for their mates, and our in-house nutritionist discusses the health benefits (or otherwise) of the ingredients. Periodically we invite partners or other guests from the community to enjoy our hospitality.
Community Focused
Community involvement is at the heart of our Shed. We repair medical equipment for the local Lions Club, and often answer requests from the likes of the local school or kindergarten to repair or make new items. We welcome other local Community groups to utilise our amenities and have hosted the local Rotary Club changeover dinner.
Club Fundraising
We fundraise through membership’s fees, donations, product sales and raffles. We are constantly seeking grant funding to improve the Shed and are currently looking to upgrade our kitchen to become a licenced facility. With further funding we hope to build an extra meeting space, furnished to enable small private meetings for us and other groups, and doubling up as a private space for members to measure and record health details.

Our Committee & Management
We are an incorporated body with a committee structure:
We have an AGM (Annual General Meeting) in February of each year.
Managers are co-ordinators – we always have other willing members who chip in to keep the Shed running safely and smoothly.
- Conduct meetings
- Laison with outside groups
- Media and promotion
- Co-ordinate shed (hall) bookings,
Vice President
- Inductions to shed
- apply for grants
- fundraising coordinator
- Constitution and Rules
- Membership details
- Minute meetings
- IT (Computer Printer etc)
- Notice board
- Web site
- Insurance
- Internal communication
- Future planning
- Council liaison
- Fees
- Finances
- Purchases
- Bookeeping
Shed Manager
- Health and safety
- Fire safety
- Donations
- Kitchen management
- First Aid
- Recycling
- Social Events
- Projects
Workshop Manager
- Assessment, training, and induction on equipment use
- Testing and tagging equipment;
- Equipment Maintenance
- Project Oversight
Housekeeping Manager
- Cleaning roster,
- Security,
- Equipment register,
- Supplies
Activities Manager
- Art and design
- Music
- Workshops and guest speakers.
- Discussion groups
- Technology
- Cooking
Welfare Manager
- Member Welfare
- Health and well-being
- Fitness
Currently we have a membership of 33, restricted to able bodied men over the age of 18. Our facilities and personnel are not fully equipped to cater for members with severe disabilities, however we welcome discussion of possible membership for men with disabilities who are accompanied by a registered carer.
The cost of membership is $35 per year which covers rent, insurances and general running costs.
Opening Hours
The shed is formally open on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2.00pm and 6.00pm. It is available for members use outside of these hours provided two members are present.
Membership Application
Membership application forms are available by contacting the President or Secretary. Visitors, and those interested in finding out more about our shed, are most welcome to call.